Wander around Britannia
- Needs Firefox and JavaScript.
- Click on the image to walk around.
- Walk onto the ship to sail around.
- Sail up to the land to get off the ship.
- Seemed like a good idea at the time.
- Works on Firefox 1.0.4 and 1.5, I think.
Doesn't work at all on Internet Explorer.
No idea about anything else.
- Written in JavaScript. This is the first JavaScript
program I ever wrote, so it's pretty lame. I've
tried to include some comments in case you're
interested in seeing some lame JavaScript :-).
- Probably violates Origin's IP, although they've
given all this stuff away for free for quite some
- Embeds the entire, uncompressed Map of Britain in this
script. Thankfully, 64kB is no longer
as big as it used to be.
- Embedding tiles as "data:image/gif;base64" URLs
may not be widely supported (yet).
- Transparent mountains (no occulusion map).
- No horse. No balloon. No monsters. No plot.
On the upside, swamps, lava and headlesses
don't kill you just as you've gotten somewhere
- Slower than an Apple ][.
- Stupid idea full stop.